Ontario Farmer

Ontario Farmer newspaper:
Ontario Farmer is the provinces only weekly farm publication. Published every Tuesday in tabloid form on glossy paper stock.
Ontario Farmer is a business to business communicator. We have by far the largest editorial capacity, have an unmatched weekly frequency, and are the only subscription-based publication in Ontario subscribed to by over 23,747 paid full time commercial farmers.
Our content is based entirely on what our experienced editorial staff believe readers are interested in. That is news, technology, trends, and anything that generates reader interest in all aspects in agricultural production. As print journalists, we are governed by principles of fairness, good taste, objectivity and accountability, both as a business and as a legal entity subject to the laws of the land.
Ontario Farmer’s readership is made up of full-time commercial farmers engaged in the production of crops, livestock, specialty crops, fruits and vegetables and all matters